Dr. Robert (Bob) Hawley

Dr. Robert (Bob) Hawley

Dartmouth College


Bob Hawley started working as a glaciologist in 1995, as an undergraduate at the University of Washington, through the National Science Foundation ‘Research Experience for Undergraduates’ (REU) Program. Following the completion of his BS degree he continued in glaciological research by participating in the inaugural winter-over at Summit camp, Greenland, during the 1997-1998 boreal winter. He earned a PhD in geophysics from the University of Washington in 2005. Following his PhD, he spent 3 years in Cambridge, England, as a post-doc at the Scott Polar Research Institute, studying radar altimetry. Since 2008 he has taught, mentored, and researched at Dartmouth College, as an Assistant and now Associate Professor. His research interests include: the physics of firn densification, mass balance of large ice sheets, interpretation of ice core records, and remote sensing. He has worked primarily in East and West Antarctica and Greenland.