Dr. Emily Asenath-Smith

Emily Asenath-Smith

Research Materials Engineer at the US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory


Emily Asenath-Smith is a Research Materials Engineer at the US Army Cold  Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. With expertise in surface and  interface chemistry, especially those involving disparate materials classes (e.g., organic-inorganic hybrid materials), she is uniquely suited to take on a wide range  of cold regions challenges. She has made significant contributions to the fields of  nanocomposites and bioinspired materials by demonstrating the ability to tune  functional properties (e.g., photocatalytic) by controlling interface structures in  hierarchical materials. As the program lead for ice adhesion at CRREL, Asenath Smith leads testing and evaluation activities for private industry customers, and is  the lead investigator on a new basic research program on ice adhesion. In her ice  adhesion research, Asenath-Smith is working to derive a fracture mechanics based  analysis of ice adhesion experimental data so that the effects of size, scale, and  materials properties on ice adhesion can be understood.