Albedo: Measuring the Reflective Properties of Different Surfaces
Albedo: Measuring the Reflective Properties of Different Surfaces
CategoryIce Core Science
Science Standards 1) Science and Engineering Practice: Asking questions and defining problems; Developing and using models; Planning and carrying out investigations; Analyzing and interpreting data; Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information. 2) Disciplinary Core Ideas: Physical Sciences-- Matter & its interactions; Energy. Earth and Space Sciences-- Earth’s systems; Earth and human Activity. 3) Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and effect; Energy flow and conservation; Stability and change
File TypeGoogle Doc
DescriptionStudents will measure the albedo and surface temperature of various ice mixtures and the changing properties as the ice melts over time. Students will move from understanding what albedo is, to the larger scale of its role in Earth's energy budget.