Unit 1: Antarctica Today (pp 1-69)
1A-Postcards from Antarctica
1B-Antarctica in Maps
1C-Polar Opposites
Unit 2: Antarctica’s Ice on the Move (pp70-82)
2A-Build a Model Glacier
2B-When Ice Meets the Sea
Unit 3: Reading Antarctica’s Rock Cores (pp. 83-130)
3A-Building a Model ANDRILL Site
3B-Photo Sore: Core Flow
3C-Mix up a Model Rock Core
3D-Mess-free Model Rock Cores
Unit 4: Tiny Clues to Antarctica’s Past (pp, 131-152)
4A-Dead Diatoms Do Tell Tales!
4B-Evidence of Ice-Free Seas
Unit 5: Decoding Antarctica’s Climate History (pp. 153-182)
5A-Charting Temperature Changes
5B-What if the Ice Shelves Melted?
5C-How Does Melting Ice Affect Sea Level?