Environmental Literacy with a Focus on Climate Change (ELF) — Chapter 4: BIOSPHERE

CategoryClimate Change Classroom Activities
Science StandardsThis resource book offers many different classroom activities that meet a variety of NGSS standards in Earth Science and Science and Engineering Practices.
File TypePDF
DescriptionResource by ANDRILL--posted with permission

Environmental Literacy with a Focus on Climate Change (ELF) — Chapter 4: BIOSPHERE


4A- Phenology: Step Together Step 

This activity creates a life cycle graph and demonstrates how climate changes can affect the life cycle patterns of dependent species. 

4B- Life in an Acid Bath 

The effects of lowering the pH of the ocean on shelled organisms is demonstrated using a model of ocean acidification. 

4C- Biodiverisity/ Habitat Loss 

Explore the diversity of mountain biome habitats and how climate change will affect the plants and animals that live there.