Virtual Field Labs – Ice Sheet Stability in a Warming World-Climate Clues from the Past with Dr. Meredith Kelly

Dr. Meredith Kelly looks at geologic clues from the end of the last ice age for insight into how our current ice sheets may respond to the rapid warming of our planet.

Ice Sheet Stability in a Warming World-Climate Clues from the Past with Dr. Meredith Kelly

Curriculum ConnectionsMath: Calculating rates. Geology: Sediment and landform analysis. Geology: Analyzing glacial geologic landforms. Geography: Using topographic maps. Climate Change: Melting rates and stability of ice caps.
Student EngagementSketching and measuring sediments, analyzing/interpreting landforms and sediments, making data tables, calculating rates of glacier retreat, analyzing trends in data, and reconstructing past climates
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)1) Science and Engineering Practices: Asking Questions and Defining Problems; Planning and Carrying Out Investigations; Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking; Engaging in Argument From Evidence. 2) Disciplinary Core Ideas: Ecosystems- Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience; Earth Systems; Earth and Human Activity. 3) Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns; Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models; Energy and Matter- Flows, Cycles and Conservation.
CategoryVirtual Field Labs
File TypeYouTube

School of Ice - Virtual Field Labs - Climate Clues from the Past with Dr. Meredith Kelly

Episode #1

Introduction to Meredith and Geomorphology. 

Episode #2

Evidence of ancient ice in modern landforms.

Episode #3

What melting ice sheets in the past tell us about our current climate crisis.