School of Snow and Ice-Workshop II: Greenland

March 7-11, 2022 | Workshop II

Workshop II focused on snow and ice labs with a focus on ice core and climate change science. Participants gained tools for creating student-focused, data-driven labs for their students.

MONDAY, March 7th, 2022

Zoom recordingsZoom AM1
Zoom PM1
Zoom PM2
Zoom PM3
Zoom PM4
Polar oppositesTo the Ends of the Earth: Polar Opposites
Life CoresLouiseLife Cores
Life Cores-Key
Life Cores-PPT
Life Cores-PDF
Great ExpectationsLouiseReflections
Snowflake ScienceBillSnowflake Science-Key
Snowflake Science-PPT
Snowflake Science-PDF
Snow pit science/Snow flakesLarsSnowpit Scienc- Key
Snowpit Science-PPT
Snowpit Science-PDF
Wheel of Inquiry Investigations – Data collectionLarsSee Snowpit Science
Claims, evidence, data suggests – Making a classroom model of snowpackBill/LarsSee Snowpit Science
Presentations – Longitudinal Studies in your classroomsLarsSee Zoom Recording PM2

TUESDAY, March 8th, 2022

Zoom recordingsRecording-AM
Meredith VFL’s: Observations and measurements can reveal the past. (Ice sheet stabilityLarsVFL
Direct Measurements: Tree rings and ice coresBillDirect Measurement: Tree Rings and Ice Cores
Tree Rings & Ice Cores-KEY
Tree Rings & Ice Cores-PPT
Tree Rings & Ice Cores-PDF
Polar DetectivesLouisePolar Detectives Activity
Polar Detectives-KEY
Polar Detectives-PPT
Polar Detectives-PDF
Decoding Ice Cores: Atmospheric Analysis of CO2 record (Direct Measurements)BillDecoding Ice Cores: Atmospheric Analysis of CO2-Activity
Virtual tour of Ed Brook’s CO2 labGuest speakers: Katie Wendt & Max ZaldoSee Zoom Link PM

WEDNESDAY, March 9th, 2022

Zoom recordingsRecording-AM
Ice Balloon exploration of modelsLarsIce Balloons Directions
Ice Balloons-KEY
Ice Balloons–PPT
Ice Balloons-PDF
Physical models of glaciers/moulinsLars
Glacier presentation – marine vs. land terminating glaciersLarsGlaciers-Greenland-PPT
Models of Glaciers – Glacier Goo – Make it with them, use wheel of inquiry for investigationsLouiseSlip Sliding Away Activity
Slip Sliding Away-small batch- ppt
Glacier Goo Recipe-Bill making big batch
Slip Sliding Away Investigation-KEY
Slip Sliding Away Investigation-PPT
Slip Sliding Away Investigation-PDF
Decoding Ice Cores: Developing Proxy Models – short break while collecting dataBillProxy Models Activity
Video of set up
Proxy Lab-KEY
Proxy Lab-PPT
Proxy Lab-PDF
Decoding Ice Cores: IsotopesBillIsotopes Activity
Isotopes Lab-KEY
Isotopes Lab-PPT
Isotopes Lab-PDF

THURSDAY, March 10th, 2022

Zoom recordingsRecording-AM
Erich Osterberg: VFL – Abrupt climate disruptionsLarsVFL-Osterberg
Land ice/sea ice set upLouiseLand Ice/Sea Ice Directions
Land Ice/Sea Ice PPT
Land Ice/Sea Ice PDF
Engineering Challenge: Designing a Portable Drill RigBill/LouiseEng. Challenge: Designing a Portable Drill Rig
Eng. Challenge-KEY
Eng. Challenge-PPT
Eng. Challenge-PDF
Drill model make and takeBill
Land ice/sea ice observation & discussionLouiseSee Land Ice/Sea Ice
Land ice/sea ice observation & discussionLouiseSee Land Ice/Sea Ice
Thermohaline circulation demosBillThermohaline Key
Thermohaline PDF
Thermohaline PPT
Thermohaline circulation lab
Guest speaker-abrupt climate disruptionsErich Osterberg

FRIDAY, March 11th, 2022

Zoom recordingsRecording-AM1 
VFL: Dom-Climate warnings from AlaskaLarsDom Winski-Virtual Field Labs:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Land ice/sea ice set upLouiseLand Ice/Sea Ice Directions
Land Ice/Sea Ice PPT
Land Ice/Sea Ice PDF
Speaker-MasserliMass balance of glaciers (see Zoom AM)
Albedo and feedback loopsBill/LarsEnergy, temperature and albedo KEY
Energy, temperature and albedo PPT
Energy, temperature and albedo PDF
Collecting data for longitudinal studies
Science on Ilulissat/teacher assistantSarah Das & Erin TownsSee Zoom PM
Das & Towns-Illulissat–PPT
Das & Towns-Illulissat–PDF
Nature vs ScienceLouiseNature vs Science-KEY
Nature vs Science-PPT
Nature vs Science-PDF
Nature’s Rules
VideoBillLink to Video